Found a lost Wild Thing?

follow these steps and help get them back to thier home.



Snap a few good clear photos of the dog, make sure to remove any collar/harness ahead to not feature any identifying items in the photos you post, that way you can ensure only the owner can identify their own pup.



During business hours, call your local county/city animal shelter and make a found pet report. If its after business hours, take them to a local 24hr vet to check for a chip.



Post photos of the dog on the next-door app or on a lost and found Facebook group page in your community, as well as other communication platforms used in your neighborhood. Be descriptive, include pictures, where you found the dog but withhold any collar or harness information so that only the owner can identify their dog.



Walk the dog around the found neighborhood and area to see if anyone recognizes it. (Unless the animal is injured in this case please immediately take them to an open vet office for care.) Most dogs will stay close to their home location when loose.

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In GA all lost dogs must be registered with the local shelter, if you are allowed and able to foster that's great and helps local shelters! For stray hold time please reference Georgia Ga. Code Ann., § 4-11-9.5.

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